2021 K9 Fun Run & Poker Derby
The Dryden Ski Club is excited to host its second ever K9 Fun Run Poker Derby. The event is meant for all community members to feel like a part of our ski community. There will be prizes awarded in various categories and cash prizes for the best poker hands. This is a fun event for everyone - bike, hike or run with your dog! Rain or shine. - All participants must buy a poker hand - All dogs must be attached by leash or line to their person at all times. - No food or water will be available during the event due to COVID-19. There will be water available for the dogs. - A portable washroom will be on site for the event there will be a bonfire to warm up with after your run/bike/hike
To register, click on the link: https://zone4.ca/reg.asp?id=26967https://zone4.ca/reg.asp?id=26967